Archive Mode. Call Wild Arts Festival ended on 5/1/19, 7:30 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
Terms & Conditions
By registering and entering submissions for the 2018 Wild Arts Festival you agree to any additional the terms and conditions set forth in the prospectus including:
- Be present during the entire show
- Bring enough work for sales throughout the show
- Pay the non-refundable $290 booth fee at time of registration. If you request and are assigned to a larger or corner booth then the additional booth fee will be paid at check out.
- Pay a 10% commission to Audubon Society of Portland on all work sold or commissioned at the Festival. At check out, you report your total sales to our checkout attendants. The commission and any additional booth fees are due at that time.
Audubon Society of Portland is not responsible for stolen, lost or damaged artwork or supplies.
This call has agreed to
Terms & Conditions